Forums Horror Movie Talk
How Far Would You Go??

How far would you all go to meet that 1 person on your "I would just die to meet this person" celeb list??

If someone dared you to do the most god awful thing to meet your #1 celebrity, who would that celebrity be and what would you be willing to do to meet them?? I am interested to see what everyone says because when I asked another person about were his answers crazy!

KimmyBlanks Wednesday 2/24/2010 at 05:07 PM | 62199
LOL sorry hun...I'm not into celeb's all that much to do anything off the wall in order to meet them. To me their just regular people who happen to have really cool jobs and are good at what they do.

I know I know....boring answer

kweandee Wednesday 2/24/2010 at 05:20 PM | 62201
LOL sorry hun...I'm not into celeb's all that much to do anything off the wall in order to meet them. To me their just regular people who happen to have really cool jobs and are good at what they do.

I know I know....boring answer

Nope...that's not boring at all and you have a very good point!

I just know there are some people on my "to meet" list that I would honestly be star stricken if I were to meet them...aka... Jamie Lee Curtis, Robert Englund, Fairuza Balk, and Keifer Sutherland.


I know some people out there that would do some pretty crazy things to get a chance to meet their for me I have no clue of what I would do! HAHA
KimmyBlanks Wednesday 2/24/2010 at 05:32 PM | 62204
LOL sorry hun...I'm not into celeb's all that much to do anything off the wall in order to meet them. To me their just regular people who happen to have really cool jobs and are good at what they do.

I know I know....boring answerI would completely agree with this. I mean, it's very cool meeting the people that you admire. Trust me, I'm like a kid in a candy store at horror conventions. Nevertheless, I wouldn't go beyond paying the price of admison to meet even my most admired celebrity (and even then, I'm paying for access to everything, not just to meet the guests). It's just not that important to me to actually meet these people. Don't get me wrong, I love meeting talented people that I revere for what they've given me. But their contributions to their line of work, whatever they may be, equal something far greater than a chat and a handshake. Of course, that's just my opinion.
Myers31TKD Wednesday 2/24/2010 at 06:01 PM | 62206
I have to agree with Kweandee as I would love to meet alot of them but I have already done enough crazy stuff to meet people I know now why do more. lol
cropsy Thursday 2/25/2010 at 12:12 AM | 62224
I would probably do anything within reason. As far as that goes, I've met some A-listers. They were all pretty cool.
aceofspades70 Thursday 2/25/2010 at 01:54 AM | 62229
To be honest with you... I would have to agree with the 50% crowd that says that they are just like you and I. They may have ALOT more loot then us, but every morning when they wake up they put there pants on the same as you and I.

I hear at conventions people have to pay $20.00 an autograph. Not sure how true or far that statment goes, but in my complete honest opinion, I think it's bullshit. I understand that they are not going to drive all the way to a convention and chill there for free, but for crying out loud. 20 bucks a clip is steap as hell to me and I feel that if it wasnt for us - "The Fans" - they wouldn't be at that convention gning autos. It makes me ck to know that they charge to gn there damn name rather it be on a piece of paper or a collectible. It's just crazy to me. If I ever get where I want to be in this life, there is no way in hell I could stomach taking someones hard earned money to gn my name for them. Rather or not there's a line of 500 people. Don't care. Couldn't do it. I'd just be happy to be where I am in life because of them and I would be happy being wealthy and being able to suport a family without the stress of financial problems. And it would all be because of that line of people. And even if I got stressed gning my name over and over, I would remind myself I wouldn't be who I am without them. In turn taking me back to being very thankful.

I don't own much in this world, but my collection and that means everything to me, ade from my family who I love more than ANYTHING. And I have debt just like 90% of America with this economy being the way that it is. I work so hard to build a better life for me and my family. With all that being said, when the shoe is on the other foot, Apreciation is very clear over the smallest things people do for me in life.

I know I just wrote a novel, but when I get on this kick of Celbs charging to gn there damn name, that just goes through me like a knife and I'll never pay a dime for anyone to gn there name because there's no way I could charge someone for me to gn mine.

So what would I do to meet one of my favorite celbs??? About as much as I would do to go vit a good friend.

Harry Warden Thursday 2/25/2010 at 04:13 AM | 62235
$20? lol $20 gets your Jim Winburn or Stephen Geoffries.....try $60 for Edward James Olmos! prices have gone up a lot. Seriously though the way I see it is like this...... guys like Ted White; Stephen Geoffries; Don Shanks; even Bill Mosely, Ken Foree etc. They aren't big time actors who made millions or even hundreds of thousands in their films and yet they are the faces of the films they were in. They mean so much to their films and make money for the films they were in and what they got for their work was nowhere near what they made for the producers. I think the cons are their way to earn a little back of what they are worth or have been worth. The real deal is how they are with the fans. So many are very cool people, cool artists that I was able to vibe with and talk to very freely. The ONLY pricks I came across (rip offs AND rude) were Edward James Olmos who charged almost $100 for his autograph and acted like he was being bothered and lou Ferigno who was a total creep. Ive met pretty much everyone Ive wanted to meet and now Im lucky enough to have started working with a lot of the icons I grew up loving. As for the main point or this far would I go? well maybe not to meet but if Im getting a romantic evening with Kate Beckinsale? lets see....hmm......
ny ghoul Thursday 2/25/2010 at 05:21 AM | 62238
$20? lol $20 gets your Jim Winburn or Stephen Geoffries.....try $60 for Edward James Olmos! prices have gone up a lot. Seriously though the way I see it is like this...... guys like Ted White; Stephen Geoffries; Don Shanks; even Bill Mosely, Ken Foree etc. They aren't big time actors who made millions or even hundreds of thousands in their films and yet they are the faces of the films they were in. They mean so much to their films and make money for the films they were in and what they got for their work was nowhere near what they made for the producers. I think the cons are their way to earn a little back of what they are worth or have been worth. The real deal is how they are with the fans. So many are very cool people, cool artists that I was able to vibe with and talk to very freely. The ONLY pricks I came across (rip offs AND rude) were Edward James Olmos who charged almost $100 for his autograph and acted like he was being bothered and lou Ferigno who was a total creep. Ive met pretty much everyone Ive wanted to meet and now Im lucky enough to have started working with a lot of the icons I grew up loving. As for the main point or this far would I go? well maybe not to meet but if Im getting a romantic evening with Kate Beckinsale? lets see....hmm......

OK... LMAO... If we are going this route for romantic evenings... I'd cut my leg off for a nice night with Danielle Harris... --Ryan
Harry Warden Thursday 2/25/2010 at 06:10 AM | 62240
Danille Harris...Nice choice my good man! But cutting your leg off? if you're going to have a romantic evening with Ms. Harris you are going to want to be 100% rarin' to go. I say just sever the pinky toe. Less blood loss as well. (and you'll need that blood! ;) LOL)
ny ghoul Thursday 2/25/2010 at 04:04 PM | 62247
I am absolutely loving everyone's answers! I would have to agree 100%!

I had asked this queton to you all because I was shocked when I asked this to a person at work and my god his answers were ridiculous!!

I had said to him that celebrities are like you and I but happen to be doing something AMAZINGLY cool that they love and are people we admire and look up to.

And he didn't agree lol.

So I figured I would ask you all your opinons to see what your take on it was and it looks like you all pretty much are in agreement and have the same outlook as I do :)

I think showing up to a con, waiting in line, and paying the admison price & price for the autograph is doing a lot especially in today's ecomony and I think supporting that specific actor/actress is doing more than enough.

Just my opinion

Thanks for your input everyone
KimmyBlanks Thursday 2/25/2010 at 05:07 PM | 62251
Harry Warden and NY Ghoul you guys crack me up! hahaha

KimmyBlanks Thursday 2/25/2010 at 05:16 PM | 62252
I'd cut off Booman's third leg to have a night with Danielle Harris.
cropsy Thursday 2/25/2010 at 05:31 PM | 62256
I'd cut off Booman's third leg to have a night with Danielle Harris.LOL....only if it can be kept in a jar of formaldehyde and be left on display!
ny ghoul Thursday 2/25/2010 at 05:57 PM | 62264

And for as far as I would go, well, some things are best left unsaid...
chubacabra Friday 2/26/2010 at 01:19 AM | 62295
I'd cut off Booman's third leg to have a night with Danielle Harris.LOL....only if it can be kept in a jar of formaldehyde and be left on display

Sure. But where would you find a jar that small?
Myers31TKD Friday 2/26/2010 at 01:55 AM | 62297
I'd cut off Booman's third leg to have a night with Danielle Harris.LOL....only if it can be kept in a jar of formaldehyde and be left on display

Sure. But where would you find a jar that small?

Harry Warden Friday 2/26/2010 at 04:04 AM | 62303
I want to meet Milla Jovovich but I wouldn't do anything crazy. Now to get a night with her....ehehehe, I'm not sure what I'd do.
DrenTheLiar Sunday 2/28/2010 at 03:16 PM | 62461
You guys are sooo funny...

kweandee Monday 3/01/2010 at 08:28 PM | 62491
Well, I have already met Bill Moseley and d Haig at a convention two years ago, they were really nice in person. I met Ashley Laurence at the same convention. She was also really nice. I would like to meet Doug Bradley, Rob Zombie, Stephen King, and Clive Barker. I don't think I would do anything too crazy to meet them though.I have heard a rumor that Bruce Campbell has a house in a town 20 minutes away from where I live. If it is true, maybe I will get lucky and run into him sometime when I am over there.
Moon Wednesday 3/10/2010 at 07:51 PM | 62871
Make a custom mask for whatever slasher/director I want to honor.
ironblade87 Monday 7/05/2010 at 08:31 PM | 64888
I think a question like this separates the fans from the freaks lol. The most I have ever had to do is buy a ticket for a convention and what-not. You can only imagine what some Twilight fan would do for the crap movies and the people who try to act in them....
TaRmAn1986 Tuesday 7/06/2010 at 02:41 PM | 64905