Forums Horror Movie Talk
House II: The Second Story

Another one of my favorites from my childhood, and Slim used to scare the hell out of me!

This is another one of those movies that you really don't hear discussed too much in the horror world.

Any fans of this movie out there?
jeremi_02 Sunday 1/02/2011 at 07:24 PM | 69058
i like house 2 better than the original for some reason

maybe its because kane hodder has an epic mullet in it

Johnny Bisco Sunday 1/02/2011 at 09:30 PM | 69062
Yeah I liked House II better than House. It was a fun movie, and I loved the evil gunslinger
SANDMAN78 Monday 1/03/2011 at 07:44 PM | 69087
House II is a very underrated movie. People don't give it the credit it deserves. I think the first is better but this is definitely a worthy sequel.
LoomisLives2010 Monday 1/03/2011 at 11:07 PM | 69092