Forums Horror Movie Talk
Pretty Bad Ass Myers Blank on FeeBay!!!

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Boy if I only had the loot to back that up! It's cheap!!! Due to the minor flaw of it, a Recast would do the trick! It looks Really Damn Accurate! I'd need to see it in paint and hair to determin rather it woops the Scarred mask or not... ? ...

--Harry"" I'm really aiming for this Slasher Legend!"" haha Only 780 some more posts to go!!! hahahahaha!
Harry Warden Thursday 6/12/2008 at 03:53 AM | 13141
these were selling a bunch around last halloween, they were pretty cool.
quietonthesetstudios Thursday 6/12/2008 at 04:09 AM | 13142
I've never seen them before. Thats messed up too cuz I'm always on top of these kinda things. Especially Myers. Anyway I have a pretty decent te for potential and that mask seems like it would look VERY FRIGHTENING ACCURATE if it was painted properly ung folded over Camal Hair like Casey did for the Original Psychopath. I don't think it would come any closer... Don't sopose you would have a photo of this brute by any chance would ya?

Thanks Bro! --Harry

Harry Warden Thursday 6/12/2008 at 04:22 AM | 13145
I might have pics on my other computer but that one is down for the count. Freaking internet explorer!
quietonthesetstudios Thursday 6/12/2008 at 12:54 PM | 13154