Forums Horror Movie Talk
What's Your Favorite FRIDAY THE 13th Kill?

Over 300 hundred some kills and 12 movies I know its hard to pick just one or even remember half of them for that matter. But if you had to pick one what would it be? I think my favorite would be either in FREDDY VS JASON in the beginning where he stabbed the one dude in the back several times on the bed, then folds the bed and the guy in half, or Part 3 when he squeezes the eyes out of some dudes head at the end. No matter what, Jason Voorhees is one badass and loves to kill, so what is your favorites?

I'd love to hear your input.
kizzle Saturday 5/14/2011 at 01:58 AM | 76289
My favorite F13 kill off the top of my head (as you said there are many so difficult to recall best of the best) however, the one that I always remember and can watch over and over again is in Part VI during the RV scene when Jason pulls Nikki into the bathroom and smashes her face into the RV wall. That was epic and so awesome, definitely my favorite! :-)
BringerOfAfterDark Saturday 5/14/2011 at 10:21 PM | 76379
I honestly love the kill in the remake when he ties the sleeping bag above the fire... that was just soo brutal lol
ptwillis727 Monday 5/16/2011 at 12:22 AM | 76420
Maybe the sleeping bag scene in part VII if it went on for longer like it was originally intended apart from that the handstand machete scene from part III was pretty badass
Blood-taker Wednesday 5/25/2011 at 04:22 PM | 76803
Eye-popping kill from Part 3
joshk1986 Saturday 7/23/2011 at 02:19 PM | 79175
Jason Takes Manhattan, When the black guy is whooping Jason's ass (Rocky style) on top of the roof. Two minutes later, Jason takes one swing and knocks his head clean off. I laugh every time.
AgnesItsMeBilly Saturday 7/23/2011 at 07:32 PM | 79183
Jason's death in Part 4. Awesome FX by Savini.
Kidtut Tuesday 7/26/2011 at 01:51 AM | 79283
Part 3 arrow to the eye!!
TheShape1188 Saturday 7/30/2011 at 01:59 AM | 79563
I also love the fireplace poker through the eye of the sheriff in the remake...
Kidtut Tuesday 8/02/2011 at 12:14 PM | 79761
The headtwist scene from "Freddy vs. Jason" - It was such a short, and mple kill too, yet funny in a dark way, and I think that's where the appeal comes in. That guy he killed was such a jerk too, and I loved how at first, before Jason killed him, the guy was saying to Jason "Invite only Cornpoke! And you weren't invite...." and he was poking Jason's chest with each word, then Jason reached out and twisted the guy's head around, and finally Jason pushed him over with his own finger. Don't mess with Jason! lol.

Zeeboe Thursday 8/04/2011 at 01:32 PM | 79944
my favorite friday the 13th kill was the kill in jason x when jason zipped the girl up in a sleeping bag and wacked her against a tree
vorheesfan79 Monday 8/29/2011 at 07:30 PM | 81769
The Part 7 sleeping bag kill is my favorite, but I have to give honorable mention to the Jason X liquid nitrogen kill.

I despise the movie, but that kill always sticks out in my mind.
gummi Monday 8/29/2011 at 11:03 PM | 81797
No contest for me.
TrickOrTreater Monday 8/29/2011 at 11:37 PM | 81808
The Part 7 sleeping bag kill is my favorite, but I have to give honorable mention to the Jason X liquid nitrogen kill.

I despise the movie, but that kill always sticks out in my mind.

this, although i love jason x - definitely one of the most enjoyable installments in the entire franchise. extremely retarded, but so damn fun!
Matt_Molgaard Monday 8/29/2011 at 11:38 PM | 81809
The stab/bed kill from FvJ is definitely on my list.

As is the b*tch from New Blood.

Usually just an axe to the face is enough but she was enough of a tw@t that Jason felt the urge to toss her across the room.
attitudeinc Monday 8/29/2011 at 11:39 PM | 81810
And the cryo-kill in Jason X.

Once again, freezing her head killed her but then to smash it against the table!

Gues she shouldn't have plucked out Jason's eyeball .. or made fun of his mug!
attitudeinc Monday 8/29/2011 at 11:40 PM | 81811
wheel chair dude in pt 2, the sheriff getting his back broke in Jason lives, and the lab tech liquid nitrogen face plant in Jason X. All EPIC.
jswaffxxx Monday 8/29/2011 at 11:44 PM | 81812
Party favor through the eye. Here is a list nce he has killed do many ppl it is hard to recall them all. ... 3th_series
mdrew518 Monday 8/29/2011 at 11:56 PM | 81814
No contest for me.


Didn't even see that post!
attitudeinc Tuesday 8/30/2011 at 12:03 AM | 81816
My fav kill has to be be where Jason is in space and freezes the womens face and smashes it on her desk!!

way cool!!

cat Saturday 9/03/2011 at 04:30 PM | 82128
Crispin Glover's corkscrew in hand and cleaver to the face!

AbominableDrPhibes78 Saturday 9/03/2011 at 07:45 PM | 82133
Gotta' be in part 8 when he puts the uncle guy in that barrel full of green stuff, be it water or acid, i love that kill!
Voorhees13 Monday 9/05/2011 at 11:54 PM | 82205
As a bonus, I include my top 2 favorite kills from the Friday the 13th series!: #2) The sleeping bag kill from The New Blood. It was more effective in the theatrical veron than it was originally planned. #1) Liquid Nitrogen kill from Jason X. That was such an epic kill. It is one of the reasons I kinda like the piece of go-se.

Vader_the_White Thursday 9/08/2011 at 03:32 PM | 82333
I always enjoyed Friday 13th part 1 when Jason mother killed Kevin bacon from under the bed with a knife through the neck. Actually all her kills were great especially when you seen it was her it was like WTF? How she throw a 210lb male through the window? Haha
Michaelmath53326 Thursday 9/08/2011 at 05:55 PM | 82339
theres way too many to choose from but i guess the bow n arrow shot in the remake? lol
boogeyman8 Friday 9/09/2011 at 10:23 PM | 82388
it's gotta be Sleeping Bag, Part VII
Bezzerkerr Thursday 9/15/2011 at 12:42 PM | 82770
Guy in wheelchair from Part 2.
BloodBass Monday 10/03/2011 at 03:53 PM | 83726
Oh man, that is tough. I really like the axe in the face from the first movie. The axe is just so far sunken into that girl's head. I love it.
Boisv Friday 1/13/2012 at 03:34 AM | 89387
Jason X, where he beats the holographic girl in the sleeping bag to death with the other holographic girl in the sleeping bag.

Makes me laugh every time!
Bigmac61 Friday 1/13/2012 at 03:36 AM | 89388
Boisv Friday 1/13/2012 at 04:10 AM | 89390
Nikki's dead on Friday the 13th part 6: jason lives.
el_feto Friday 1/13/2012 at 05:22 PM | 89413
Guy getting killed in the shower in F13 4. The corporate workers playing paintball in F13 6.
MickeyESBBeck Friday 1/13/2012 at 11:22 PM | 89427
Eye-popping kill from Part 3 lmao
AgnesItsMeBilly Saturday 1/14/2012 at 12:20 AM | 89433
vera in part 3 for the fact it was the first ever kill with the mask on
HoRRoR FaN68 Monday 1/16/2012 at 09:51 PM | 89578
every one of them, because everyone DIES.
aceofspades70 Saturday 7/14/2012 at 05:56 AM | 94706
Two-for-one spear through the bed scene from Part 2, which was inspired by Mario Bava's "Bay of Blood."

buried13 Saturday 7/14/2012 at 01:05 PM | 94750
Has to be the sleeping bag!

I laugh when he does that.

It is very brutal!

Love it.
cat Sunday 7/15/2012 at 10:03 AM | 94789
Maybe it's

not the best Friday film but Jason X had 2 of my all time favourite kills in it, the infamous liquid nitrogen face smash and the soldier on the corkscrew, ha ha both real cool!
grant.neal Wednesday 8/01/2012 at 07:27 AM | 95215