Forums Horror Movie Talk
Bill Murray Signs On For Ghostbusters 3 and 4?

Not sure how true this is so take it for what it's worth. I would say, Don't buy into the hype!

NOTE: This video was posted back in April of 2011. Who knows if it will happen?

sirbrad Monday 6/13/2011 at 08:57 AM | 77389
I know I'm probably going to get flamed here, but here it goes.

I have mixed feelings over this news, I understand that it wouldn't be the Ghostbusters without Peter, but after playing the game it seemed like

Bill didn't really be doing it. I know voice acting is not the same as being in front of the camera, it felt flat to me.

The other question I have is, do we really need these films? I personally think that the sequels of these films should be in other media( games & comics).

That's my 2 cents anyway...
vandamrox Monday 6/13/2011 at 11:50 AM | 77392
I was about 10 when the first movie came out, and I think part 2 was released too soon. But I think the time is now right for part 3. Whether it be a pasng of the torch to a new generation or just a continuation of the series, or both as it sounds, I think it is long overdue. The franchise is a huge cash cow as well, and I am sure this film would continue that trend. I agree with this guy's opinion 100% I for one am all for it. For those who don't wish to see a sequel they do not need to watch it, they can just watch the first two over and over again. I know CGI will be used to the max and provide a lot more options, but I also loved the good old fashioned special effects of the original films. Bill Murray said the wounds from GB2 finally healed, so I am sure the pason will return for the 3rd installment. I would much rather a sequel than a 3-D remake, which all we see these days. I hope they come out of "retirement" at least one more time.
sirbrad Monday 6/13/2011 at 12:04 PM | 77393
This accurate?

have not heard any news related to this and the video was posted back in April
pmfarmer Monday 6/13/2011 at 04:32 PM | 77405
According to iMDb, they have Bill Murray's appearance listed as announced.

There is so much debate on whether he's doing the movie or not. According to this video which appeared in April...he's in. I remember him appearing on the Letterman Show in March and he said, "I'd do it only if my character was killed off in the first reel". But it almost seemed as if he was joking.

Coming Soon then interviewed him on April 28th in regards to his Letterman appearance and he said, "You know, maybe I should just do it. Maybe it'd be fun to do." But in the clong paragraph the article had this to say "bacally we're pretty much where we were before, not really knowing if this is a movie that may actually happen or how involved Murray will be."

But they did remain optimistic. Check out the article HERE.

So I'm not really sure where this You Tube channel, clevver movies, got their info from. But let's hope it's right!!
Anonymous Monday 6/13/2011 at 05:35 PM | 77407
this was an April Fools day joke released on i think....not sure but if you go back fromt he archives on and youll find it. all the other news outlets and bloggers picked it up as a story and never put "april fools" in any of the articles hahaha this is not news it was an APRILS FOOLS JOKE
stephens540 Monday 6/13/2011 at 11:56 PM | 77427
I think it will be made regardless of whether it was an April Fools joke or not. I don't see any evidence though that it was either. Also the fact that Bill talked about it in some other interviews stating that he would do it if he likes the story, and I think he is just downplaying about reading it as I said. I seen all the interviews about it also. It would make sense to do another now as all of those guys are at the tail-end of their careers and could use a boost in popularity again. Not to mention all the money it would make and how happy the older fans would be who grew up with it, such as myself. I never cared for Bill's self-righteous attitude though. It would be great if he did it again with pason, but if he wants to be an idiot about it I would not care too much if they replaced him. But he shouldn't turn his back on something that played a huge role in his personal success. The others have a way better attitude about it all.
sirbrad Wednesday 6/15/2011 at 04:54 AM | 77471