Forums Horror Movie Talk
WITCHBOARD Remake Gets A New Director?

It seems as if another remake is in the works. I remember a few years back, before all this nonsense, when I used to actually get excited about the thought of one of my favorite movies being given this remake treatment. But those days are long gone, and were gonna have to live with this disease thats being spread more and more throughout on our genre on a daily bas.

OK, my little rant is over, I can now carry on...

According to the boys over at DC, the 1986 clasc Witchboard is next in line to be remade.

Writer/director Mark Vadik is the apparent heir to this project, which has been in talks for a few years.

Vadik revealed his love for the original film starring Tawny Kitaen. “I just finished the script on the Witchboard remake" said Vladik. "And it looks like it’s most likely going to be the next movie I will be directing.”

The writer/dircetor also went on to say, "My own litmus test was to see if I thought I could bring something new to the story for a new generation of fans, and after reading the script, I think there will definitely be something for new audiences and fans of the original," he told Dread Central. "Our story arc and characters are all akin to the original, but we are definitely not planning a straight shot-for-shot remake either. I wasn’t interested in redoing an already great movie so we do have a few surprises in this new one planned."

Are we excited yet?? Show of hands.

No time table was given as to when shooting will begin.


Dread Central
Anonymous Thursday 6/23/2011 at 11:16 PM | 77684
awwww Tawny Kataen and of course the dude who played Steven "Patch" Johnson, how can they make it better?

latingoddyss Thursday 6/30/2011 at 06:32 PM | 77904