Forums Horror Movie Talk
Matinee of the Macabre

My independent contribution's to horror has been moved to here featuring several webisodes.

Enjoy and thank you...
MOWDEReeL Thursday 9/01/2011 at 02:54 PM | 82017
a solid little intro - having some knowledge of the tools used while investigating paranormal activity i would have liked some more technical terms from the picture, but if this is slated to be a family conducting their own investigation, then it works well.

Definitely excited to see the follow up parts.

Also, if you're ever working on some new shorts, I've been dying to get a bit deeper into screenwriting asstance, so if you're ever facing some script issues, contact me - I'd love the chance to do some writing work with you!
Matt_Molgaard Friday 9/02/2011 at 05:19 PM | 82088