Forums Horror Movie Talk
Myers Obsession

I have been told by some of those who know me best that my fascination with Michael Myers has become an obseson. Now the word "obsessed" really seems like a strong word... or a negative word. Sort of as if it is implying that the hobby is unhealthy (which this isn't in any case). What do you guys think about it? Are we all obsessed?
Myers31TKD Wednesday 1/30/2008 at 05:34 PM | 1548
I'm 28, just to put that out there to begin my little rant here. I get it from all des, my wife originally was all up in my buness cause "every mask looks the same." Then masks paid for our honeymoon, and she doesn't complain anymore. My dad says the same thing, and everytime he comes over to my place its "you have too many masks." For me, the whole collecting thing is 2 fold.

1) There is no prefect replica, thus, one must own at least 25 different myers 2) This is an investment. Generally, I do not lose money on any mask I purchase and re-sell. So I figure, why not have something I love to look at which appreciates with time. Hell, I make a better % on this stuff that anything I have in the market.

I think the term "obsessed" should only be used if the masks become your life, like you ignore a whole bunch of responbilities because of masks, or they take precedence over your daily life.
heretic Wednesday 1/30/2008 at 05:59 PM | 1555
I think the term "obsessed" should only be used if the masks become your life, like you ignore a whole bunch of responbilities because of masks, or they take precedence over your daily life.

Myers31TKD Wednesday 1/30/2008 at 06:08 PM | 1556
I take obesson as a compliment. Although we need to be careful like heretic said not to ignore the rest of our responbilties.
mmyersisgod Wednesday 1/30/2008 at 08:31 PM | 1565
Some people collect baseball cards, some people collect cars, some people collect other movie memorbilia (ex. Star Wars) . . . we happen to collect verons of myers masks.
DaShape Wednesday 1/30/2008 at 10:18 PM | 1571
I think the term "obsessed" should only be used if the masks become your life, like you ignore a whole bunch of responbilities because of masks, or they take precedence over your daily life.

I think you hit the nail on the head Mark. It crosses the line from hobby to obseson when you do things like stop paying your bills to have money for masks.

I think a lot of people don't understand the hobby and think the subject matter in itself makes it an unhealthy obseson. Where we see the subtle differences in the masks which make these masks pieces of art they don't look that deep and mply see a bunch of identical looking white masks from a horror movie.

At least we're not as weird as the Trekkies!

lblambert Thursday 1/31/2008 at 12:02 AM | 1572
I was gonna copy Lambert's post, but it would make this too case in point, to which I agree with everyoen is this. 2+ years ago, I got fired from my job.....while my wife made more than enough to pay the bills, it was wrong of me to have thousands of dollars worth of masks, therefore I sold a TON of stuff I wish I still had, which is most of what is in my youtube "collection" video. I had 2 origina NMM78, one with the kirkus stamp, a KH/Dw, and a ton of other hugh end masks.

...I have sold a lot of other high end items as of late, because we are saving for a house, so here is my current lot (minus my H3 trio cause my battery crapped out):
heretic Thursday 1/31/2008 at 04:27 AM | 1584
Very cool stuff in the videos man. Sucks that you had to lose some things... but that's just how it goes i guess. Bedes... you have plenty of time to become rich and get it all back.

Myers31TKD Thursday 1/31/2008 at 05:17 AM | 1594
Very cool stuff in the videos man. Sucks that you had to lose some things... but that's just how it goes i guess. Bedes... you have plenty of time to become rich and get it all back.

Once my battery is charged, I'll add my airhockey table, my "for sale" chair, and my blank closet.......I really need to get to work and clean house.
heretic Thursday 1/31/2008 at 05:50 AM | 1606
Of course, we all have biaest opinions about whether or not we have an obseson, but I truely believe that we are not. "Obsessed" hints that you are consumed, controlled, or even posessed by your interest... which I am not. I control myself and my actions which may or may not have to do with masks. Either way... I have total containment of my hobby, which is in no way at the center of my life. My world revolves around my own conscience, and all of my actions come from my belief that it is the right thing to do.

What we have is mply an interest or attraction to the horror genre. We are captivated by the films, muc, and special effects that make it unique and great. That's it.
Myers31TKD Thursday 1/31/2008 at 06:24 AM | 1616