Forums Horror Movie Talk
Horror Movies Based off Books

Sadly, I must admit I'm only aware of a few horror movies based off of books. What I would like to know is: What horror movies do you know of that have been based off of book? They can be a book, comic book, magazine, or even a story off the internet! Please note I'm aware of clascs like Dracula being a book originally. I am only listing a few books, because I would really like to hear from my fellow Bidites!

The Ruins by Scott Smith was made it to the big screen in 2008 Personally, my favorite book. The movie was not as bad either.

IT by Stephen King 1990 Stephen King has PLENTY of other horror movies I know of but I will just list one for now haha

Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice 1994
BloodyAdored Tuesday 12/06/2011 at 04:59 PM | 87970
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty, is a good one.
Dimiter Tuesday 12/06/2011 at 07:49 PM | 87985
oh man, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands: quite literally.

Barker's had a shitload of transfers including HR, Rawhead, Midnight Meat Train, Books of Blood, fuck he's had a shit load

King has literally like 45 transfers, be it feature length commercial releases, tv releases, anthology film segments etc, including Creepshow 1&2, Carrie, Dreamcatcher, Christine, Salems Lot, The Stand, etc etc etc etc

Something Wicked This Way Comes American Psycho Cape Fear (was originally called the Executioners I believe, WICKED WICKED book from MacDonald Koontz has had a ton of transfers, including Watchers, Servants of Twilight, Intenty, Phantoms etc etc etc etc Crichton had a shitload of transfers (most of which were horror/adventure combos) like Sphere, Jurasc Park, Lost World, Congo etc etc Richard Matheson has had tons of transfers including i Am Legend, Hell House, Stir of Echoes etc etc Grants had a bunch of tranfers, Rice has a shitload of transfers, Shirley Jackson has some great clasc transfers, Blatty obviously has some LEGENDARY transfers, Stoker obviously, Shelley, holy shit this could be a MASVE list

You my friend, need to start doing some reading, because I could honestly keep listing shit for like 3 hours. lmao

probably 97% of the novels are superior to the films also
Matt_Molgaard Tuesday 12/06/2011 at 07:51 PM | 87986
There are so many I can name as well...but nce Matt listed a crapload above, I'll just say The Keep, by F. Paul Wilson and Dead & Buried, by Chelsea Quinn Yarboro.

Both of these books were made into excellent films (The Keep is my favorite book ever and The Keep (1983) is one of my favorite movies ever). The reason the movie is the lesser of the two is because the director originally did a completely faithful 3-hr. long movie, yet Paramount cut lots of plot out to fit it into a 90-min. timeframe. It's a pity, nce the movie doesn't make a whole lot of sense plot-wise without reading the novel, but I still absolutely LOVE it for the visuals and the score by Tangerine Dream, plus the great acting and special effects.

Dead & Buried was a decent book, but I felt the film was actually a whole lot better. Dead & Buried (1981) was beautifully executed with great acting, a great twist at the end, and some really nasty effects by Stain Winston. I found the book to be a bit slow, while the movie was effectively creepy in all the right places.
ObscureCinema101 Tuesday 12/06/2011 at 08:14 PM | 87990
if you can handle the format, check out Lovecraft and Poe as well - some disturbing shit, and there have been a good 500 films based on content from both authors.
Matt_Molgaard Tuesday 12/06/2011 at 08:25 PM | 87993
Girl next Door by Jack Ketchum (film 2007), both the book and film were amazing and disturbing but as per usual the movie has got nothing on the book. Shutter Island, Dennis Lehane, is a great thriller. World War Z by Max Brooks is being made into a movie.
UndeadPlatypus Tuesday 12/06/2011 at 09:02 PM | 87995
Think you got the major big hitters listed, Matt. Here's a few others I'd like to list:

Peter Straub - 'Ghost Story', as well as 'The Talisman' (Joint venture with King to be made into a TV series soon)

Ira Levin - 'Rosemary's Baby', 'The Stepford Wives' (The book actually was horror lol)

Thomas Harris - (Thrillers with horror elements) Hannibal Lector series

Agatha Christie - (Thillers, but some had horror elements) Nearly everything she wrote, too much to list

John Wyndham - 'The Midwich Cuckoos' (Bas for The Village of the Damned)

David Seltzer - 'The Omen', 'Prophecy'

Robert Bloch - 'Psycho'


Burgess - (Not really horror, but disturbing) 'A Clockwork Orange'

Bret Easton Ellis - 'American Psycho' (Was already listed, but it was so fucked up, it should be listed twice!)

Jay Anson - 'The Amityville Horror'

James Herbert - 'The Fog'

Peter Benchley - 'Jaws'

Probably could list a lot more that I'd like to SEE turned into movies, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Jonny Sicko Tuesday 12/06/2011 at 09:40 PM | 88000
Battle Royale is based on a book, Dark Water is a short story from a Japanese collection of short horror stories, the book is also called Dark Water and is written by Koji Suzuki who also wrote The Ring and its subsequent books. All are available in english. Dark Water was a great, creepy book, I really enjoyed it.
mamabri Thursday 12/08/2011 at 03:16 AM | 88062