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Independant Film "The Three" needs your help!

From director Scott Goldberg :

Hello all you horror fanatics. This past year we had released our short film concept The Three. Day of the Dead actors Lori Cardille and John Amplas were kind enough to throw their support in for the short film concept veron. I am now gearing up for a feature-length veron of the film and we are currently fund-raing through our official webte On there you will see perks for whatever donation you make to this independent horror project. We are tired of the generic horror films that are constantly being made and want to do something different and dark. Please support this project by viting the webte and donating. We also have videos up which will show you what we are all about. We are striving to bring back original horror to the forefront rather than the typical generic genre films. Your feedback is also welcome. Thank you.

I dont know about you guys but I was sold at John Amplas throwing his support behind this. Martin is one of my all time favorite movies.
Detective Cameron Thursday 11/15/2012 at 04:18 AM | 97779
One can enjoy movies at night
alves89 Sunday 11/18/2012 at 01:54 AM | 97846