Forums Horror Movie Reviews
The Devil's Backbone (2001) (DVD Review)

- New 2K digital film restoration, approved by director Guillermo del Toro - Audio commentary featuring Del Toro - Video introduction by Del Toro from 2010 - New interviews with Del Toro about the process of creating the ghost Santi - Que es un fantasma, a 2004 making-of documentary - Spanish Gothic, a 2010 interview with Del Toro about the genre - Interactive director’s notebook, with Del Toro’s drawings and handwritten notes - Four deleted scenes, with optional commentary - New featurette about the Spanish Civil War as evoked in the film - Program comparing Del Toro’s thumbnail sketches - Selected on-screen presentation of Del Toro’s thumbnail sketches - Trailer - New English subtitle translation - PLUS: A booklet featuring an essay by critic Mark Kermode
chuckconry101 Thursday 8/15/2013 at 03:26 AM | 102014