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British Horror Film Festival 2013: Award Nominees and Official Trailer

The British Horror Film Festival just announced their nominations for this year's awards. Steve Stone's Entity starring Dervla Kirwan, Charlotte Riley and Branko Tomovic picked up nominations in x categories, including Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Cinematography and British Horror Award. The Award Ceremony will take place Saturday 19th October 2013 at the glitzy Empire Cinema, Leicester Square in London. This year, the festival awards are sponsored by Haunted: After Dark Digital Magazine and

will be hosted by TV presenter and Horror Host Bunny Galore.

The full list of nominees for this year's British Horror Film Festival 'Haunted' Awards are:

BEST FEATURE FILM Entity Fortune Cookie Prophecies In The House Of Flies  BEST DIRECTOR Belly Of The Wolf - Dir. by Mark Fisher Entity - Dir. by Steve Stone The Meeting - Dir. by Karen Lam Left Hand Billy In The Second Solution - Dir. by Gabriele Zuccarini Honeymoon Suite - Dir. by Zao Wang

BEST ACTOR Ryan Kotack - In The House Of Flies Nick Moran - 82 Andrew Arrasmith - Sleep Now In The Fire Finn Morrell - Belly Of The Wolf Branko Tomovic - Entity Skyy John - Left Hand Billy In The Second Solution

BEST ACTRESS Maia Elsey - Belly Of The Wolf Lindsay Smith - In The House Of Flies Karly Warkentin - The Meeting Charlotte Riley - Entity Hephzibah Roe - Spira Adelita Rockhill - Dia De Los Muertos

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Honeymoon Suite Decapoda Shock Sleep Now In The Fire Entity Dia De Los Muertos Lot254 Fortune Cookie Prophecies

BRITISH HORROR AWARD Spira Left Hand Billy In The Second Solution 82 Moment Of Clarity Belly Of The Wolf Lonely Hearts Lot254 Entity

BEST MUC Vengeance Rhythm Lot254 Dia De Los Muertos Decapoda Shock Lonely Hearts

BEST SHORT FILM Spira Tumbling After Left Hand Billy In The Second Solution 82 Honeymoon Suite The Meeting Moment of Clarity Belly Of The Wolf Dia De Los Muertos Vengeance Rhythm Sleep Now In The Fire Happy Birthday Mr. Zombie Lonely Hearts Decapoda Shock Lot254

For movie times and location please vit:

Source:!bhff2013/cpylDont Forget! Spread The Word! soon Xenomorphs into
VespaV Monday 9/23/2013 at 12:02 PM | 102310