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New Trailer For Road Horror NIGHT FARE Is Within!

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Road Horror films can really invoke a true sense of fear at times if done properly. Movies such as DUEL, CHRISTINE, THE TRUCK, and JOY RIDE come to mind that offer a killer in the form of a vehicle. Director Julien Seri prepares for his upcoming Killer Taxi Driver flick titled NIGHT FARE. Head on down below to grab a look at the trailer.

NIGHT FARE stars Jonathan Howard, Fanny Valette, and Jess Liaudin.


"Two kids from the ghetto return to the suburbs after a night of drinking and partying in Paris. They hail a taxi to get take them home, 15 kilometers outside of Paris. When the time comes to pay the driver, the two guys decide not to pay and make a run for it. It was neither the right taxi nor the right driver to mess with. The taxi will hunt them down through the night. He will never let them go, be it physically or mentally...they are going to pay."

NIGHT FARE is expected to be released soon.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Sunday 10/18/2015 at 06:46 PM | 103678