Forums Horror Movie Talk
The Other Boleyn Girl

Plot as follow's- - -

Eric Bana stars as some kind of king here, 'or something high and all mighty like that',

He is REALLY hungry for Natalie Portman's crazy yummy Bod, 'And I do mean Hungry!!' He'll go out of his way to tap that thang!....Hey! Who would'nt !! Right?!!

Some other stuff happens along the way at the end, Like something, like foe real or something that I could'nt stay awake long enough to remenber.

Now showing! So, Go see it!,, only if your gf/wife makes you!...jk
MaskofChaos Thursday 3/06/2008 at 02:31 AM | 3896
I'm just going to have to break down and see this . . . Natalie Portman is in my top 10 most gorgeous women alive.
DaShape Sunday 3/09/2008 at 05:45 AM | 4289
Mila Kunis.. I love her! -Dexter
Doppelganger Tuesday 3/11/2008 at 03:53 AM | 4640
awesome. I will watch this!
RickyTheShape Tuesday 3/11/2008 at 06:16 PM | 4766
I'm just going to have to break down and see this . . . Natalie Portman is in my top 10 most gorgeous women alive. Just don't go in expecting any skin from N.P. Or any skin from any babes here for that matter,... PG -13!!! I don't recall nothing very titillating 'all except the bag of prezals I sneaked inde the place. ha!

This one should have been rated R or even an X and be directed by the

late great Joe D'Mato with this kindof material!!!!!If ya know what I mean!?
MaskofChaos Thursday 3/13/2008 at 01:03 AM | 5206