Forums Horror Movie Talk
H78 from N.A.G.....Tons of pics....Great looking replica mas

Matthew Mayhem Thursday 3/06/2008 at 10:42 PM | 3986
That is one amazing mask. Very Castle-esque in my opinion.

And great pictures of course.
Myers31TKD Thursday 3/06/2008 at 10:55 PM | 3988
It would be to me as well.. However the mouth kinda throws it off for me bro. But it's still a great mask, no doubt about that.

Doppelganger Thursday 3/06/2008 at 10:57 PM | 3989
That's a nice......I'm in the process of redoing mine as we speak.....I ordered a H78 kirk and was gonna convert it, but I figured the H78 is a converted veron, so why not redo it to my liking.
heretic Thursday 3/06/2008 at 11:45 PM | 3994
Would love to see how that comes out bro.

Doppelganger Friday 3/07/2008 at 07:20 AM | 4032
me come over to yuor house and gank that sucker!
Johnny Bisco Friday 3/07/2008 at 10:33 AM | 4039
hehe..Join the club...LOL 8-)
Doppelganger Friday 3/07/2008 at 05:34 PM | 4048
nice mask! love the hair....
RickyTheShape Saturday 3/08/2008 at 12:35 AM | 4099