Forums Horror Movie Talk
Terror Train Promo Trailer..

SithLord Saturday 3/22/2008 at 07:48 AM | 6298
Looks like Hostel Part 3 to me.
Myers31TKD Saturday 3/22/2008 at 11:19 AM | 6300
hostel 3? you betcha!

this looks like they just used the name to trick us older paople into going to see it. Just like what they are doing with Prom Night.

please nobody go see this crap when it comes out......dont even rent the dvds.

if people stop going to see these half assed remakes and rip offs maybe these crybaby writers will have to come up with something original.

i said it before ill say it again, they should have stayed on strike
Johnny Bisco Saturday 3/22/2008 at 12:35 PM | 6304
Those will be one of those movies that I will wait for until it comes out on dvd. -Dexter
Doppelganger Monday 3/24/2008 at 05:13 PM | 6440