Forums Horror Movie Talk
Star Trek "Data" severed head, Times Arrow

Howdy Folks , This was a recent commison I finished up on recently.

It is a 1:1 scale replica "Data" head(s) from the episodes of Star Trek entitled "Time's Arrow" (1&2).

I'm not too keen on the ST universe, but the gentleman I was dealing with sure was, and he helped me get the things right.

I did also enjoy those two episodes, made me want to look into ST a bit more when I get some time down the road.

Thanks for looking!

Tyler ps, Justin, what the f wordin heck is this hahaha?

TylerHaslett Thursday 4/03/2008 at 01:51 PM | 7388
Wow, I've seen those episodes and that's a really good replica!

Great Job, looks amazing!
DaShape Thursday 4/03/2008 at 05:22 PM | 7393