Forums Horror Movie Talk
action figure stuff and such nonsense...

i figured nce i already posted the new mezco's i would post some of my other action figures as well ung the snazzy new cam that i got from dan d....let me know what ya think...

Take Care,

Homicidal9 Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:12 AM | 8914
Man I'm digg'n your ALien Queen action figure and your hock display!

Thanks for posting these up!
DaShape Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:21 AM | 8917
gracias....nce i finally got a new cam i am gonna try to take some new pics of the rest of the collection room...the masks and lifezes and whatnot...

thanks again,

Homicidal9 Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:23 AM | 8918
Tommy you homicidal piece of freaking trash!!!!!!!! That is an AMAZING collection of figures . Big ups to the Roy Hock or as I like to call it the Tramer of the F-13 series. And my personal fav.........

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Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:27 AM | 8920
gracias....nce i finally got a new cam i am gonna try to take some new pics of the rest of the collection room...the masks and lifezes and whatnot...

thanks again,


Once you get all of your pics taken, you should start your in thread in the collection gallery.
DaShape Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:28 AM | 8921
Tommy you homicidal piece of freaking trash!!!!!!!! That is an AMAZING collection of figures . Big ups to the Roy Hock or as I like to call it the Tramer of the F-13 series. And my personal fav.........

Amazing. One day we are going to have to do a Star Wars collector thread!

Nice, Tommy Boy

Did somebody say StarWars collection??? LOL, I could show off some stuff in that category

DaShape Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:29 AM | 8922


i already have one...i just need to take new pics nce i have rearranged a few things, gotten a few things and now have a much better camera...thanks again guys for the comments. It meants a lot coming from you all.

Take care,

Homicidal9 Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:32 AM | 8924
You've got some great stuff there Tommy! Damn... I think you've inspired me to do some shopping.
Myers31TKD Friday 4/18/2008 at 01:53 AM | 8931
good lord bro thats a lot of sweet stuff!!
Johnny Bisco Friday 4/18/2008 at 02:01 AM | 8933


i already have one...i just need to take new pics nce i have rearranged a few things, gotten a few things and now have a much better camera...thanks again guys for the comments. It meants a lot coming from you all.

Take care,


HAHAHAHAHHAHAH and what's even funnier is that I've commented in there before HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
DaShape Friday 4/18/2008 at 02:17 AM | 8936
Damn! With all those figures you could make one hell of a Robot Chicken episode!! Seriously though that's quite the nice collection...thanks for posting those Tommy.
lblambert Friday 4/18/2008 at 02:32 AM | 8940
i seriously condered doing something like that when i was taking the pics earlier tonight...i am just too damn lazy and don't feel like putting clay all over the faces of the figs...again, thanks for all the comments guys. What alot of people don't know is that seth green is a masve masve masve action figure nerd. That is one of the reasons he started robot chicken in the first place...

Take Care,

Homicidal9 Friday 4/18/2008 at 02:35 AM | 8944
Sweet Voltron man. I always wanted one of those when I was younger.
quietonthesetstudios Friday 4/18/2008 at 02:43 AM | 8946
Here's what I do with action figures.

Of course the Pred is a model kit...the rest is all scratch built. And the alien is an action figure.
HorrorSanctum Friday 4/18/2008 at 02:53 AM | 8953
sam, you are going straight to toy hell for that. I actually have that same alien figure and i use it as a prop to keep the queen alien from tumbling can see him in my pics standing directly in front of the queen. Her arm is resting on its back.

Homicidal9 Friday 4/18/2008 at 03:40 AM | 8962
sam, you are going straight to toy hell for that. I actually have that same alien figure and i use it as a prop to keep the queen alien from tumbling can see him in my pics standing directly in front of the queen. Her arm is resting on its back.


LOL nice prop....I'm already in toy hell with all these Star Trek figures I have...SOMEONE TAKE THEM OFF MY HANDS!!
HorrorSanctum Friday 4/18/2008 at 03:48 AM | 8963