Forums Horror Movie Talk
Screen caps needed

Looking for screen caps of Lucio Fulci's "The House by the Cemetery" which show the monster Dr Freudstein. I just picked up a blank pull and need a few more reference shots for the artist that's painting it up for me.Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
lblambert Monday 4/28/2008 at 10:41 PM | 10077
ask and you shall receive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

come on who else are you gonna ask?

ill get them done tonight or tomorrow

my name and banner should have screen cap guy on it or something
Johnny Bisco Monday 4/28/2008 at 10:48 PM | 10079
lee im gonna get those done for you soon

sorry im taking so long the friday the 13th pt4 workprint has been keeping me busy
Johnny Bisco Wednesday 4/30/2008 at 01:47 AM | 10286
lee im gonna get those done for you soon

sorry im taking so long the friday the 13th pt4 workprint has been keeping me busy

I have a vested interest in that one too Take your time. My Freudstein blank was just poured today and will take a few days to cure before it's sent out for painting so there's no huge rush.

Thanks again...I really appreciate your help!
lblambert Wednesday 4/30/2008 at 01:51 AM | 10287