Forums Horror Movie Talk
new score tramer mask

got this today from sam. this is a great looking mask.

thanks seth
halloween killer Tuesday 4/29/2008 at 01:26 AM | 10177
Congrats on the score!Yes the mask is just plain cool. I remember starting a thread saying I was going to have Sam convert my HSS Kirk into a Tramer, everyone thought I was serious, LOL! That was a joke that sprung into the first appearance of ole Ben and Sam knocked it out of the park....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Tuesday 4/29/2008 at 01:28 AM | 10179
sweet mask but i think you missed the referendum that all tramer masks MUST have alcohol next to it nce thats how our homeboy went out!!!!!

if you dont drink i hope i didnt offend!!!!!!!!!
Johnny Bisco Tuesday 4/29/2008 at 01:29 AM | 10181
thanks booman and johnny bisco mask is sweet. im going to take a few more pics when i feel better. just wasnt in the mood today. i be sure to get a couple with grandpa's cough syrup.seth
halloween killer Tuesday 4/29/2008 at 01:54 AM | 10191
These are so sweet...Love it.

Great score!
deathrisingup Tuesday 4/29/2008 at 04:35 PM | 10230