Forums Horror Movie Talk
HSS Shape 08 & H2 side by side

Just in case anyone is wondering about the differences between Horror Sanctum Studios' Shape 08 and H2, I thought I'd take some de by de pics of mine.

What's neat about this pair is they are both the final masks of their respective runs: the Shape is #20 of 20 and the H2 is #25 of 25.

lblambert Wednesday 4/30/2008 at 11:53 PM | 10370
Hell yeah, Lee. Two gems, no doubt. Did you get a Tramer? If so, you'll have a trifecta going on here. Add the Kirk and Spock, and it'll be complete.

SithLord Wednesday 4/30/2008 at 11:58 PM | 10371
Well, don't I feel like an asshole right now. Just saw the "Foursome" thread. Sons a bitches.

SithLord Thursday 5/01/2008 at 12:01 AM | 10372
Very cool! I t and stare at the masks in my office when I should be getting some paper work
quietonthesetstudios Thursday 5/01/2008 at 12:01 AM | 10373
Well, don't I feel like an asshole right now. Just saw the "Foursome" thread. Sons a bitches.
lblambert Thursday 5/01/2008 at 12:13 AM | 10377
Well, don't I feel like an asshole right now. Just saw the "Foursome" thread. Sons a bitches.

HAHAHAHA.....too funny.Seriosuly though...great masks. I don't think I could ever get tired of looking at
kweandee Thursday 5/01/2008 at 01:32 AM | 10385
Kweandee man, you're alot like me! I can t here at my desk and stair at these masks for an hour or so and be like... "Damn!" haha... I love masks! I'm actually in the process of paying Casey for one of his Nightmare Masks... I got layed off for now, but as soon as I get back to work I'm gonna finish the payments to that! It's F'Ing Sweet!!! However, I am weakest most when it comes down to Myers masks... There's just something about that damn mask that I can't figure out... I just really like seeing peoples creations! Works of Art man! Alot of time effort and talent... I'm always stairing at the ones I do own now... I see more than just the mask... I see all the hard work that went into making it and idea an thought it took to create the masterpiece that it is... Makes me want to shake the hand of it's creator an be able to tell him what a fine job they did in person... Idunno I may sound like a complete nut or weirdo, but I just share a pason for this kind of stuff!
Harry Warden Saturday 5/03/2008 at 05:57 AM | 10603
LOL no you don't...I understand what your saying. It is an amazing talent...
kweandee Saturday 5/03/2008 at 06:16 AM | 10606
Love it...Very Nice
Matthew Mayhem Sunday 5/04/2008 at 01:40 AM | 10659