Bloody-Disgusting brings us some Saw V news . . .

With Lionsgate's Saw V in production in Toronto, we decided to chat with star Betsy Russell about her role as Jill, Jigsaw's wife. You can read the skinny inde, but don't hold your breathe for anything too revealing - everything will be answered when SAW V arrives in theaters October 26.

Last week we had the chance to chat with one of the new stars of the SAW franchise, Betsy Russell, who plays Jigsaw's wife Jill in the popular serial killer-horror series. Now that she's one of the main stars of SAW V we tried to dig to get some goodies out of her. I knew this was going to be a battle. When asked what does Jill's future hold in SAW V she joked, "If I told you, I'd have to kill you in a bloody and disgusting way..."

Depending on how you look at Jigsaw, you might see his cause as noble. Russell tells us what it feels like to be his wife. "It feels great to be cherished and adored," she explains, "I think every wife should be, it's a great aphrodiac..."

Jill may or may not agree with what Jigsaw is doing, but what does Russell think of his actions? " some of us need a moment or an event to happen in our lives to make us step off the treadmill of life and say, 'hey, am I appreciating what I have?' Let me re-evaluate here and see if I'm making the most of it... Jigsaw just takes it to the next level... You will have to wait to see how Jill feels about it," she teases.

In SAW V, David Hackl has taken over directing duties for Darren Lynn Bousman (who directed the previous three), Russell tells us she misses Bousman, but it having a great time with Hackl. "Everyone misses Darren but Hackl is awesome!" She continues, "They are both creative geniuses. Hackl is just more quiet about it."

The SAW franchise is said to go for a total of x films, with five sequels. We asked Russell if she heard that a seventh was in talks, she explains that it;'s up to the fans. "Yes

if fans keep wanting more..."
DaShape Monday 5/05/2008 at 01:55 AM | 10704
shit i havent even seen the 4th one yet
Johnny Bisco Monday 5/05/2008 at 04:34 AM | 10709
To me part 4 was kind of a let down... They could have done so much more with it... My expectations were set to high I sopose... Part 4 was still a decent movie, but like I said, It could have been better! Ummm... I knew from the moment they released a Saw IV that it was going to be the next Friday The 13 or Halloween!

It will never replace the old skool slashers, but it's just picking up were they left off. I geuss what I am trying to say is that, Out of all the newer Horror films to be released, I havn't yet seen one that made it too a 4th sequel! I always thought The movie Scream was like a clasc 80's Slasher! But those never even made it to a 4th sequel. Saw is the first ever new release that I know of that has made it that far and talk of it going alot further yet to come!

Just like the old skool slasher flicks!!! The one thing that surprised me out of it is the fact that Saw is more of a Modern day twisted movie and the fans still want more and more out of it! Lions Gate cracked a good egg!

The Saw Franchise is amazing for this day an age!!!
Harry Warden Monday 5/05/2008 at 10:40 PM | 10750